When I asked hubby to throw out a word that reflects 2011 that’s what he said: Arrythymia. Then of course he reverted and said he needed to think about it- the whole year? he didn’t know.
But I think his first choice was right on. We never entered a steady rhythm this past year. We started with a long trip to Chile, that ended in a pregnancy reveal. We went to Boston in April to freeze our butts off (who does that willingly?). And we had a kid. If that doesn’t mess with your zen, you must be a superhero.
To top it off M had a craaaazy semester, made more crazy by aforementioned kid. But somehow we made it through. And by “we” I mean “he” (although anyone married to a medical student knows that it’s a family affair).
And then there was the real arrhythmia. We don’t usually get sick, but living in Mexico comes with its own set of risks and food poisoning of various forms lies near the top. Just before our last trip to the States, M and I were hit with Medusa’s revenge.
Within a few days I was ok, but M was still feeling her wrath a few weeks later and hit up a GI doc. Long story short, doc thought it was an amoeba. It wasn’t and went away on it’s own, but thought he heard an arrhythmia. M had the whole shabang of tests done, and it the end the diagnosis was too much coffee. Now that he’s on a decaf regimen he can sort of empathize with old me. Oh the circle of life.
And that was a round-about way to say that my lesson learned: sometimes the steady beat just doesn’t jive (esp. when kids are involved) and that’s a-ok.
Read More about what we learned from the First 6 Months Parenting!