Recap of 2011 and Looking Forward

If I had to sum up 2011 in one word, it would be this- Life. I quite literally grew a life, a whole human and brought his cuteness to this world. In that moment, he also changed my life. He brought new meaning, purpose and thrill to every single day since then. I am more alive than I have ever been, more aware of the lives around me, and in the world at large. When he smiles I can’t hold back my grin; when he cries I feel his pain. And I will never be the same again, for the rest of my life.

Highlights from the past year

My year in review:
January- Chile & Argentina, Baby Boy Reveal
February- San Francisco
March- I don’t remember…baby brain?
April- Boston & New York
May- Baby Showers
June- Baby Boy Arrives
July- OMG I’m a parent
August- daze…
September- the beach..coming out of the daze…
October- Houston & Panamerican Games
November- I’ve got this down (sort of) 🙂
December- bliss-full vacation at home with the hubby, exploring the city, enjoying a babbling Baby Boy who is so full of personality it kills me, relaxing at the beach, looking forward to 2012.

Review of Goals for 2011

A couple of years ago I started making a list of 10 goals for the year. So here’s my report card re: my 2011 goals.

1. Get a new credit card– PASS: researched and decided to hold off for now
2. Get a new passport– COMPLETE: actually had to get 2 since I couldn’t get the new one in time and had to get a temporary one in between
3. Have a baby– COMPLETE: and I started a blog about the little bugger 🙂
4. Work out regularly– PASS: not perfect but not too shabby considering I was a big preggo for much of the year
5. Learn to use yeast (cinnamon rolls)– COMPLETE: they came out sooooo good! I used this recipe and while not an expert, my fear of yeast is pretty much gone.
6. Improve Spanish– PASS: still lots to work on, but at least in terms of baby lingo I made leaps and bounds
7. Learn to drive a standard car– FAIL: I had one “lesson” and then never continued; I might have to move this to the 2012 list
8. Make a pizza from scratch– COMPLETE: several times, actually! I still need to find a better dough recipe but my homemade sauce is right on IMO.
9. Finish wedding memorabilia (album, framed pictures, scrapbook)- FAIL: but I still have a couple weeks to try to squeak this one out, right?
10. Strengthen my relationships (friends, family, husband, self)- PASS: this is never-ending of course, but I do feel I made significant efforts this past year.

Goals for 2012

To put it in one word, for 2012 I would like to attain Comfort. We’re entering year number three in Mexico. I wish for myself to feel entirely comfortable in my environment, the language that surrounds me, my role as a wife and as a mother. I can see it coming together, little by little.

Here are a few more concrete goals. In 2012 I will…

  1. Refresh my travel blog
  2. Learn to play one song on the guitar
  3. Cook Friday night dinner every week
  4. Host an event (baby shower?)
  5. Make fondant from scratch
  6. Learn how to photograph on manual
  7. Finish my trip photo albums
  8. Continue improving my Spanish
  9. Devote time to crafting
  10. Read non-baby books (12)

What are your goals for 2012? Are you a list maker or a resolution maker?

*This post was first published on [post_date].

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