This year Mexico’s Independence Day landed on the eve of the Jewish New Year. Needless to say it was a few days of excitement around these parts.
Mexico Independence Day Celebrations
Most of Mexico’s celebrations take place on the eve of Independence, but since we had no intention of going downtown to hear the Grito (call) and dealing with the masses, we made the day into a family outing.
We started with breakfast at one of my favorite local restaurants, and of course a little park time before heading back towards the house. Our vacuum cleaner, a.k.a. Baby Boy 1, was ready for lunch and then a nap.
In the afternoon we got some shaved ice and checked out a new park we had never been to, as it’s just out of walking distance. BB1 went to bed as usual and we half heartedly checked out the celebrations on t.v.
Rosh Hashanah Celebration
The following day, Independece Day, was as usual very very quiet in the streets. The masses were recovering from the night before, but we got up as usual for a fun day of cooking. BB1 was my helper in the kitchen.
In the morning we baked a honey cake, and in the afternoon we cooked dinner. He took his job very seriously- the whisk was his domain, and I was absolutely not allowed to stir without his help!
Luckily, M was able to whisk him away near the end of the day so that I could finish the meal before BB1’s bedtime. This day, Baby Boy 1 became so so so silly! He discovered he could spin and get himself dizzy and we all stayed up past his bedtime dancing and laughing at his new found trickster status. Once he was down for the night M and I had to get ready for the New Year’s Eve dinner we were invited to.
The morning of the New Year, we all went to services at the synagogue. Baby Boy was astounding in his behavior. We made it about 3 hours, with a couple short breaks where I took Baby Boy outside to run around a bit and have a small snack. It was really impressive.
We came home to the lunch I had cooked us the day before. In the afternoon we spent some family time together and ended with some more silliness. Hopefully it is a sign of the year to come!