Today, some musings on having a 9 month old baby….when you’re done reading, check out our routine here.
After hubby M, sent me this article (in a nutshell, babies as young as 6 months recognize words), I couldn’t help but try to think what words I think Baby Boy might know. These are the ones I came up with:
Words My 9 Month Old May Know
coffee- It’s almost embarrassing how many times Baby Boy has seen me make coffee, ranging from an instant to a full on cappuccino. I do try to incorporate little lessons about boiling water and so on, but I’m pretty sure he knows this means we’re going to the kitchen to mess around with stuff on the counter.
hug- Doesn’t need much explanation, but I make him give me lots of hugs and visa versa.
kiss- Ever since he was a tiny baby, I’ve been teaching him to give a little kiss. At this point, after I give him a kiss, if I put my cheek towards his mouth he will open it and it’s pretty amusing.
milk- I actually didn’t start using this word a lot until the last few weeks when I have sort of started signing some words. Before it was “do you want to eat”? And it was pretty clear because his food cry has always been “le”. But I’m pretty sure that now he knows this word.
play- As in, let’s change your diaper and then we’ll go down to play. At the very least he associated this with our play area.
bath- I’m quite positive he knows what bath time is all about. He always gets excited for tickle time.
story- Lately he’s really gotten much more focused when I read him a story, but I also use this to ask him to talk, (as in “tell me a story”) and if he’s in the mood he most certainly complies.
A Baby’s Smile
A baby’s smile: makes your day. That, according to yet another guy that stopped me in the supermarket to talk about Baby Boy. I think he’s right.
Mostly when I go out, I get lots of comments on Baby Boy being cute. I appreciate them of course, but I think at this point I almost take them for granted, even though I always smile and thank them.
For some reason however, this comment, a little more profound than the usual jabber made me take note. Maybe our precious little boy does have a good effect on the world (and he doesn’t even know it).
It got me thinking…and I decided that I am very very Lucky! Perhaps this is why I’ve been so content the last few months. Despite not having the outside gratification that working or even studying would provide, I get awarded with the most perfect smile several times a day.
My Cuddle Bug
As I mentioned earlier, Baby Boy usually only gets up once a night now. But sometimes, he just can’t seem to calm down- usually related to having to go #2 or trying to roll over or having a bit of separation anxiety.
In those instances, I just can’t bring myself to keep going to his bedroom and so he ends up in our bed. Mostly this is annoying at night because it doesn’t leave much room for anyone, but in the morning it is wonderful. Hubby leaves early in the morning and this way I get to wake up next to my perfect little cuddle bug.