Guachimontones is a pre-Columbian site near Guadalajara that is actually part of the UNESCO World Heritage site that includes Tequila. This is a fabulous location to go on a day trip from Guadalajara Mexico!
Here’s a quick overview of what you can expect on a day trip to Teuchitlan, the neighboring village named for the Teuchitlan Culture which lived in this region, and of course Guachimonotones.
Our latest day trip took us an hour outside the city, on a pretty disheveled road to the small town of Teuchitlan. A short stop in the visitors’ center and a trying-really-hard-to-be-professional video later, we were off to explore.
Start you visit in the town of Teuchitlan which has a small museum to give you the historical background on what you will find in the archaeological site.
La Casa de Cultura Teuchitlán is a small musuem with a display of artifacts from Guachimontones and a half-hour video.
Located at no. 10 Calle16 de Septiembre, one half block west of the main plaza in Teuchitlan. Open Tues-Sun 9:00-15:00, 10 pesos entrance.
But the real reason we went, was to see Guachimontones, the largest pre Columbian site in Jalisco. Here you will see circular stepped pyramids from around year 0 A.D. One day, they will have a nice museum there. But for the time being, we just explored the pyramids…
To get to Guachimontones, there are signs in town to get to the site. It is fairly rustic so hiking attire is advisable.
This 13-step pyramid isn’t the biggest, but it’s the only one you can see fully exposed; not covered in trees, that is.
And around the pyramids are these raised platforms all around where huts used to stand:
Directions from Guadalajara to Teuchitlan
To get to Teuchitlan, the town nearest the ruins in Guchimontones, take Avenida Vallarta out of town (towards Puerto Vallarta). The road will split towards Tequila (cuota) and Ameca (libre)- bear left to go towards Tala/Ameca. Appx. 17 kilometers later you will pass Tala and then turn right into Teuchitlan (you will see blue signs for Guachimontones)
Teuchitlan, hmm, I thought it was Tenochtitlan…