First trimester of the first pregnancy.
OR: When two backpackers have their life changed by pregnancy…
Here’s how it all came to be. Catch up on the very first symptoms of pregnancy. Dealing with the hardest parts and traveling while pregnant, because the trip was planned first! A no-words held back recounting of the first trimester.
TMI Warning- if you know me in person you may want to skip this one. 🙂
Surprise! First Pregnancy Symptoms
Something weird is going on. It’s the week before, and no PMS, I mean nothing, nada, zilch. This is odd and I knew something was up. D day comes and no Aunt Flo. So like it should be really obvious, but I’m seriously in denial.
There’s a weird twinge I’m feeling on one side, and it’s not really a cramp but something, so I must just be a few days late, or something. I tell M. Even though he pretends not to, he knows. And I know, but I wait it out until Aunt Flo is officially one week late.
During an evening walk, we stop at the pharmacy, and apparently in Mexico pregnancy tests are held behind the counter. Shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit! That’s awkward.
I ask M to help me out, and he talks to the ladies and they pull out 3 tests. M picks one up. It is made by his uncle’s company. He says it’s a sign- it’s going to be positive. We were going to wait to try until visiting said uncle, and now. Well, without taking it we already know.
The next day, that line appears so fast I’m going to sh*t myself. But M has a big test that morning, so I don’t say anything until he gets back from school. And then we celebrate. Or something. More like freak out at a sushi place. Together. With lemonade and seaweed salad.
Thank Goodness for Blockbuster
The first few weeks were seriously HE- double hockey stick bad. For once I was really really really happy I didn’t need to work, or do anything, really.
The house progressively descended into disarray. All I ate was bread. Plain or toasted. With butter or if I was really wild, cream cheese. But I couldn’t enter the kitchen; see food let alone smell it. I definitely wasn’t cooking. And I avoided the grocery store like the plague.
The best I could do was try to leave the house for a short walk once in a while. But I made sure to cross the street if I was going by a restaurant. Poor M, he was back to his bachelor days of pasta-tuna salad (and yes it is as gross as it sounds, but you get all your nutrients with little work).
The one comfort I had was our couch. And internet forums to pass the time. And tv. But mostly Blockbuster. I rented movies like nobody’s business. And when you don’t want to move off the couch, even the bad ones are not so bad. Thank goodness for our premium membership. That month alone paid off the whole year.
The Doctor, The Shock, The Parents
I gave myself one week from the BFP (Big Fat Positive) to find a doctor. I did some internet researching, some checking up on the Wives Website*, and finally came to the conclusion that I needed to make a call. So I called a girl we met here that I honestly barely know, to get the name of her OBGYN.
A week later I was in the office with M, nervous, nauseous, and venturing into the unknown. But it was the nicest doctor’s office I had ever been to. The doctor was about the nicest I have ever met. And he loved that M is a med-student. So we got on with it, and before I knew it I was having a vaginal ultrasound. And exiting with my very own picture of a yolk sack.
So we celebrated, again. Kind of. We went out to eat at a nice place (La Tequila) and discussed for realz this time. And I confided my hesitation to share the news. They’re going to say we’re irresponsible; we’re still in school, we have no house of our own, we have no jobs, we’re living off of loans.
But that, apparently, was totally unfounded. Because when you tell your parents they’re going to be grand-parents they get excited, and happy, and a little shocked. But they’re happy for you (and them).
Two weeks later, we re-visited the very nice doctor, and heard a very nice heartbeat, and as we were preparing to go on a very nice trip, we told the parents and the siblings, and everyone was very nice. And my nausea was petering off and that was very nice too.
First Trimester Travel
We had a six week trip to Chile planned, that fell around weeks 8-14 of pregnancy, and kept our plans as they were. I’ve written extensively about what it was like hiking in the first trimester. So all the details are there.
All in all it was a great experience and I’m glad I was able to travel during the less nauseous part of the first trimester. I do believe the distraction of traveling was helpful, as was eating without actually having to cook!
Announcing Our Pregnancy
Our last week in Santiago, we could finally share the news! And boy was that exciting! Everyone was really excited, and it was fun to not have to hide our little secret anymore.
When we got back to Mexico, we had a couple of weeks of non-stop emailing and phone calls. And it was super fun! Everyone was really excited; our friends were supportive, and we got a lot of virtual love.
It was also nice to be back home and comfy again. And to be totally honest, around with M’s classmates and our friends here. So while January is a month I don’t usually love, it was wonderful, and the high kept us going for several weeks. Add to this a return of energy and I was in happy-ville!
By the way:
From here on out: find all our weekly updates here. Here’s how to Plan Your Babymoon– it’s not too early! Plus my baby gear recommendations (updated in 2020)!
Don’t forget to check out Lessons Learned from 4 Preganancies – HERE!