Do you have a nine month old baby? Are you looking to see if your routines is similar to ours? Here’s one more post in the series about our daily schedule, since it has been a while and things are changing!
See other routine posts at 6 weeks, 3 months and 6 months. But today, what it’s really like to have a 9 month old baby. Take a peek at our routine with a 9 month old.
Morning with a 9 Month Old Baby
8:20- Wake up, Baby Boy has been babbling in the crib for 5 minutes and it has now turned into a cry because I was too tired to get him. He’s sitting or standing waiting for me. Time to start the day! I bring him into my bedroom for a moment while I wash my face; we then go back to the nursery for a diaper change.
8:30- Milk feeding on the couch, then time to play in the play room. If he let’s me go, I start my own breakfast then collect him as well.
9:20- (Sometimes) First solids meal: usually a little bread and cheese. Or puffs and fruit if I am still rushing around the kitchen. We end every meal with a small cup of water and hand washing in the guest bathroom sink. (Other times)- Rushing around to get ready to leave the house.I’m waaaaai-ting
10:00- Play time. If Baby Boy is feeling independent then he ignores me as he chases around a ball, or pulls the rings off the stick (and then I get some computer time) otherwise we play together with a puzzel or shape sorter. If we have plans, I finish getting us ready quickly and we’re out of the house.
10:30- Often, Baby Boy stops playing and starts to whimper. This signifies a poop coming, so we quickly rush to the potty. Baby Boy does not like being dirty and only stops whimpering after he is done, clean and re-diapered.
11:15- Mommy needs a break, please please take a nap. We have another milk feeding and I get 30 minutes off! If we’re out of the house, then I definitely don’t get a nap until we’re in the car on the way home; such is life!
11: 45- Play time again- sometimes I take a mid-day shower because Baby Boy likes to watch the water, or we do some laundry folding together and Baby Boy helps by tossing clothes all over the floor, or we just play.
Afternoon with a 9 Month Old
12:30- Second (or first) solids snack: yogurt and fruit, or oatmeal and veg. Baby Boy ends his meal by smearing leftovers all over his tray. Clean up takes a lot longer and often involves an outfit change.
1:30- Baby Boy goes into the activity center while I clean up, then we play some more. We read books together or sing season- appropriate songs.
2:30- Daddy’s home! Baby Boy greets him with a huge grin and they play together for a few minutes. The adults have lunch which means that Baby Boy wants to join. He gets bit and pieces of whatever we’re having.
3:15- More milk and nap time. If we’re lucky we get another 40 minutes. The kid is obviously too busy to nap!
4:30- We’re off on our daily walk. I try to make it nice and long and do a couple errands on the way. Baby Boy LOVES the walk, and talks to the trees the entire time!
Evening with a 9 Month Old
6:00- We take a little break at home to regroup, perhaps sneaking in another milk feeding or solids snack (or both).play, play, play
6:20- We go play on the grass outside in our common area, sometimes the neighbor kids join.
7:00- We come inside just in time for bath time. Daddy is in charge and has lots of fun with it while Mommy does laundry. Sometimes this is earlier, but lately it’s later.
7:30- Last milk feeding and bed! It has been a long day!
Then: Mommy makes dinner, Daddy joins to eat and then goes back to his office. It’s TV/computer/reading time until bed. The adults go to bed way too late.
1:00 or 3:00 or 5:00 a.m.- Midnight snack for Baby Boy, usually once a night, hardly ever at the same time.
Do you have a 9 month old baby? How does your routine look compared to ours? Do you like a strict schedule, or a go with the flow type of day?
Take a peek at what’s ahead: routine with a 1 year old! Planning on some travel coming up? Flying with a 1 year old.