Heritage Walk– there is a nice walk you can do through the streets near the beach; just wander up and down; there are 2 nice churches in the southern half of the city
Auroville– 8 km from Pondicherry; the best way is by scooter along the ECR(east coast road) and then take a left after 5 or so km. Ask the locals, head to the visitor’s center where you can get informed and tour the area; make sure to see the Matrimandir (the heart and soul of Auroville)
Park Guest House– huge double room with bath (no hot water) with sea-view; 600Rs; located on the southeast tip of the city right on the beach; this is part of the Sri Aurobindo Ashram collaborative and has certain house rules you must comply with (no alcohol/cigarettes/drugs/10:30pm curfew) tel: 91-0413-2233644; email:[email protected]; scooter and bike rentals can be made here
Hot Breads– good breakfast/baked goods, on Ambour Salai street
Auroville visitor area cafe– delicious, fresh, and good prices; have the lunch special and a piece of cake
Getting Around: bike, scooter, and walking
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