Is your week a drag? Do you find yourself waiting for the weekend to arrive so you can spend quality time as a family?
There’s a simple solution to help you enjoy your time with kids at home. Institute a weekly funday!
What is a fun day you ask? Any day that you determine you will do something fun, is a fun day, or, “funday”. I suggest designating a day of the week and creating a habit of it.
Here’s how to do it, suggestions for implementations and tips for success! The details on how and why Monday became our weekly fun day! It’s all about intentions and setting the mood for the week. Plus how you can do the same!

Why I Needed a Fun Day (and you do too)
During certain times of the year it’s really easy to get a walking group together. We have a fantastic foresty park nearby with a 5K walking trail that is just perfect for starting off the day.
The problem is that at certain times of the year, it is so hot that no one want to go early enough to beat the heat (myself included). When May rolled around, our walking group disintegrated once again and I was left to occupy our mornings.
If you’re finding that it’s hard to get through the week, you are living for the weekend or you’ve been spending too much time at home, then consider instituting a funday. (It doesn’t have to be Monday)!
Instituting Monday as Funday
I find that the key to a great week with Baby Boy is a great start and lots of activities outside of the house. And so Monday became Funday.
Every week we go out for several hours, usually combining an errand or two with something that Baby Boy really loves, like playing at the park or people flirting at a busy coffee shop (it’s like people watching, but Baby Boy likes to flirt with the ladies at the shop).
I try to make lots of walking for myself so that I can get some exercise in as well and we’re usually both content and tired by the early afternoon.
Getting Started with a Funday
Now your schedule may look totally different than mine, and your ideas of fun might be something different than a walk and a coffee shop. So start with this:
What is something I enjoy doing?
Anything you like doing works! It can be an all day affair or something that takes just minutes. As long as it fills your soul, it’s a good choice.
Here are some ideas to get you started:
- Eating donuts
- Going to Museums
- Running
- Watching TV
- Getting my nails done
How can I do this once a week?
The next step is figuring out when in your week you can do this fun thing. If you have kids at home, you may need to work around their schedule.
If you have a full time job out of the house, you may want to schedule you fun activity early in the morning or later in the evening. The key is deciding when you will actually do it.
Are Wednesdays hard for you? Maybe a spouse or friend can watch the kids for an hour before bedtime so you can get your nails done or go to the gym.
Are you a runner and miss hitting the trails. You can take your baby with you if you have a jogging stroller. Setting an alarm clock for the morning may be a great idea.
Figure out a Plan
Once you know what you want to do, and when it’s possible to do it, give your activity a cute name: Tuesday Funday, Wednesday Funday, Thursday Funday, Friday Funday.
If weekends are your only option, well that works too. Though in my experience, it’s extra fun if your funday happens during the week!
Put it on your calendar, set a reminder on your phone, and don’t ignore it. Taking care of yourself will help you take care of everyone else in your life too! This is a priority!
How do you plan your weeks?
Here’s the details on the way I have come up with a schedule for us. Plus, the true confessions of what it’s like to hang out with a baby all day!
And one more related thought on the topic: I don’t call myself a Stay at Home Mom because…do you see me staying home???
I think it is critical for both mom and baby to get out of the house every single day! Get up, get dressed and get outside. The sunshine, other people and change of scenery is the best thing you can do for both (all) of you!
Read more about the benefits of being outside with a baby (and kids of all ages)!
Do you have a weekly Funday too?
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