We fly back to US to celebrate Hannukah with family. What it was like flying with a 6 month old. (Hint=easy) Details of our Hannukah 2011 celebration.
Flying at 6 Months
And we were off again. Baby Boy, M and I flew to back to the States to celebrate Hannukah with family. Flying with a 6 month old was good and uneventful. Baby Boy nursed during take-off, and then we passed him back and forth until we had arrived.
I can already see how he’s going to be a handful on coming flights. The kid just wanted to eat our not-tasty meal, and play around the whole time.
Anyway, at the airport we ironically were given a little Santa hat. I put it on him; can’t hurt to have a little holiday spirit while going through border patrol and customs. Baby Boy got his flirt on with anyone that gave him the time of day. And that was that. Out of our control but totally manageable.
Hannukah with a Baby
Baby Boy celebrated his first Hannukah, during our Stateside visit. We diligently lit the candles every night.
Even the day that I almost forgot and we had already gotten him undressed for bath time. Even the day that guest were coming late and we had to do two rounds of lighting. Even the night we flew back home to Mexico*.
Except for the last night, when we ran out of candles. Mommy fail. BUT, it was fun. Baby Boy was totally enthralled by the fire and most definitely enjoyed the family visit and being showered with attention. I also had a nice break from being entertainment committee. It was a success.
*Aside: weird that I call Mexico home, but that feels like the most home place we have right now.
Date Night
Way back, I wrote that one of my goals was a date night with my handsome hubby. Our latest trip to the States provided us with not one, but two nights out without Baby Boy (and the peace of mind to know he was being taken care of by loving grandparents).
The first was a double date with my SIL and boyfriend: fabulous Portuguese tapas.
The second was a just-us date night, and we went all out. *We went to Phillipe in downtown Houston, for French fusion cuisine that I would most definitely recommend.
It was a wonderful evening, and we both agreed that we need to find a Mexican babysitter ASAP, so that we can do this more often.