The hospital stay was an unpleasant hotel experience. The hospital is run very much like a hotel- you choose a package (ours was the 3 day/2 night complete, whatever that means). So a nutritionist came to take my room service (meal) orders, later delivered by a bell boy; a “chambermaid” came to change the sheets every day, not just mine but M’s sofabed sheets; and the registrar decorated our door and left a welcome gift basket.

But other than that, it was unpleasant. Nurses came in every hour or two to check up on me, refresh the IV and so on. In between we got to spend some time with Baby Boy, although it was tough being restricted by tubing and not feeling the lower half of my body for that first day. Finally on day 2 I was “disconnected” and was able to shower and felt a like a new person!
On day 3, M had his last final exam from last semester in the morning. Before he left, Baby Boy got his final hospital bath, and by the time he got back we were getting ready to be discharged. I was wheeled out in a wheelchair to pick up Baby Boy from the nursery and we were escorted by security to the parking lot. I rode Mexican style in the backseat holding our baby while M drove like an old lady to get us home safely.
We arrived to a house in complete disarray. Some of our essentials were definitely not ready- like the crib that wasn’t fully assembled, and the lack of anywhere to put down Baby Boy. Planning FAIL. Luckily one of M’s friends came over and helped him move one of our twin guest beds into our bedroom, to make an extra large family bed (this was a our c-section plan, because getting up to reach into a crib was beyond my ability at this point).
Did I mention it was our anniversary? By the time we got organized, it was late at night. M had gotten a wedding cake made for me, since we didn’t have a real cake at our wedding, and it was super sweet! We had a quick gift exchange, while eating cake for dinner, watching one of the blockbuster movies we had rented the day I went into labor, and feeding/changing Baby Boy. It was a crazy amazing day!